This was the 3rd time I had participated in Busan Fine Arts Association's annual international exhibition.
This year it was held in the Gallery space of Busan Citizen's Hall in Beomildong.

There were works by artists from Korea, Japan, Australia, and France, including installation, video and performance.

I showed my "Book of Bright Ideas" installation before it went off to Australia for another exhibition at the Noosa Regional Gallery.
It was made from a hard cover book, with a string of pulsating electric lights inserted between the hollowed out pages.
You can see a video of my "Book of Bright Ideas" in July's blog entry and a full description.
I really like your
"Book of brigh Ideas".
I'm also interested in art too.
I'm not really well known about art but seeing your blog and I was really amazed by all things you have done ! :)
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